Be smarter than the Trash Panda.
We are growing food for ourselves, not for the local furry animal club. No matter how cute they are.
Last year we had some furry creatures nibble and eat our freshly sprouting, growing salad. Not cool Bugs Bunny, Pepe Le Pu and Trash Panda, not... cool... at all. So this year we went on the defensive. Instead of putting out traps or using chemicals, we built a Salad Coop. That’s right… a coop. Scrap wood, chicken wire, some screws and zip ties.
This video was shot before anything was planted in it, but I’m happy to report… huge success! Humans 1 - Trash Panda 0. Salad galore. Yes, it’s a little selfish, but we need our greens to be healthy for the next project or ADVENTURE.