Honey, where’s the screwdriver?
Projects. Home projects more specifically… it’s never as easy as it sounds. A quick fix always turns into something bigger. Especially when you can’t find the right tool for the right job. Not having a garage amplifies the problem regarding the search and rescue of tools. There’s tools in the closet. Tools in the shed. Tools in the basement. Tools in the kitchen drawer. Multiples of one kind and none of the other.
I took the initiative to resolve this. At first I looked at empty tool boxes to fill. Looked at simple models and fancy models. Plastic versions and metal ones. Small and big. Hey look this even has wheels.. but where would we put it? …we have no garage. I even looked at resale shops and eBay. And then I had an idea… So I researched, gathered materials, sketched out measurements and purchased what was needed. The end result is below….